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Blog about Twitter

Compared to Blackboard discussions, Twitter discussions are a lot easier to type up. You have a specific character count you have to meet in order to have your post go up. This means you need to be straight to the point. Sometimes in a Blackboard discussion, you can get caught up with really long essays and responses, increasing the possibility of missing out on something important. Furthermore, the Twitter interface is a lot sleeker and easier to use than Blackboard. I use Twitter pretty often so I like it.

Furthermore, between in-class discussions and Twitter discussions, there are both pros and cons to each. The pros of twitter discussions are that you can respond when you get the chance. It's more convenient. However, since everything is digital you do miss out on that personal interaction you would have with someone if you were having that discussion in real life. Meaning that someone's point of view might get misunderstood from what the original post was intended for.


  1. Hi Marvin!

    I agree with Twitter discussions a lot easier to type up and getting straight to the point! I believe a con of twitter is when you do want to give examples of something and explain it, it won't allow you to since there's a character limit. Twitter is more fun to use than Blackboard too because you can also see content from who you're following (celebrities, friends, influencers, etc.).


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