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Blog vs. Wiki

Blogs and wikis were some of the first new media that began to grow since the start of the internet. Both allow users to write down information and make it public for others on the internet to go through it. Blogs, on the one hand, are a bit more personal. You can think of them as a personal webpage. On the other hand, wikis are more information-based and used to talk about a particular topic or area. Furthermore, wikis allow for multiple people to collaborate and work on a similar project. This can be great for companies or departments who have many people on it. Wikis can be seen as a grassroots project that people can contribute to, and blogs can be where you talk about a piece of work or topic that you're interested in.

One particular blog site that I used to use a lot a few years back was Tumblr. Yahoo decided to buy them out. However, the company has seen its user growth flatten during the past few months, according to the article. What the company started to see is where the users spent most of their time while on Tumblr. In the article, it states, "in the past year we've seen a 55% total engagement growth, and on mobile, this number is 251% growth". Based on these results, we can see how the blogging industry as a whole might be changing. They need to become mobile-friendly as that's where more people are going to be.

Another notable site that was infamously known for its ridiculously amount of information is Wikipedia. When the company started, it allowed simply anyone to just go on there an add new content, whether real or not. However, as the years progressed, the organization has realized that it needed to put the breaks on the chaoticness. To put it into perspective, according to the CNN article, "As these sites evolve, we should expect them to develop more sophisticated methods, whether they're social methods or technical methods, of quality control and of production."



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